It is said that when you have to decorate your own home, you may feel afraid, lost, and even threatened. If we make only one mistake in this process, we will have to live with it and be reminded every day that something does not fit the space. If you want to avoid making those mistakes, and if you want to make your home look cohesive, you’ve come to the right place! Here we are going to give you some tips and tricks on what you can do to set the tone for the whole house and tell a story when you are walking from one room to the next.
Table of Contents
1. Neutral colors

If you want to make your home look cohesive, then you need to start with neutral colors. This does not mean that everything has to be neutral or that you should stick only with basic hues, it just means that you will set the tone with one base color and keep the flow in all the rooms.
Experts suggest that you should use the same color with different shades in all the rooms if you want to create a flow, or you can stick with the same hue all over the place. This will set the tone for the whole house and you can easily continue with the rest of the things.
2. Focal point

Now let’s talk about focal points or colors. The focal point of every room should be one thing that is different than the rest, and one thing that catches the eye first when you walk in the room. This can be a different wall color, a big picture, or a piece of furniture.
No one can tell you what the main point of the room should be, and it is up to you and your personal style. For example, you can have a toned-down room with a bright sofa, or you can have three neutral walls and one of them that is a literal pop of color. Decide on the main point, depending on your style and personal preferences.
3. Layering

Layering is a must if you want the space to look cohesive. It gives the room depth and warmth. This means that you should not be afraid of mixing sofa covers or adding pillows. One thing that is trendy is to put different materials and colors on top of each other.
If you cannot find inspiration right away, then you can start with the focal point, and depending on it, layer the rest of the room. Don’t be afraid to explore different textures, sizes, or shapes. It does not have to make sense if it looks good, and just because you haven’t seen it in someone else’s home, it does not mean that it won’t work in your house.
4. Use sets

If you want to create the perfect flow, then you should test things out with furniture sets. Nowadays there are a lot of different sets for the living room, the bedroom, and even the kitchen that are going to set the mood for the whole place. Note that you can easily combine several sets, and you can layer different things on them so they don’t all look the same, but they still give the same feeling.
According to NFO, you can choose the material based on your budget and then continue with the colors and the shapes. You can even decide if you want to purchase sets that have only two pieces or get something that is made of 4, 5, and even 6 different things. Use them in one room, or different places in the house.
5. Declutter

The main thing to making your house look good is to get rid of all the clutter and excessive elements. Before you go out to shop for new items, clean the whole space, and get rid of all the things you don’t need.
When you do this, a whole new space will open, and it is going to be easier for you to make plans and get inspired. You can even decide if you want to reuse some of the old furniture, or if you want to sell it and have a few extra bucks to invest in the new style.
6. Materials

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different materials and textures, and remember that cohesive does not mean the same. For example, you can easily match leather, wood, and stainless steel, and you don’t have to stick with just one of those to make the whole room look beautiful.
Don’t steer away from purchasing fabric with patterns or loud colors and know that you can use that for the focal point of the room, and tone things down with the rest. The only thing that you have to remember is that you should not mix too many things together, and as long you follow the same plan and use the same finish, things will look great.
7. Story

The last thing that is going to help you make your home look cohesive is to tell a story. This will be the story of your home and the people who are living in it. Know that you can pick a theme depending on your style, and you can follow it in every room of the house.
Note that we are not saying that you should use the same colors, patterns, or shapes in all the rooms, you just need to show your style and add a personal touch in all the spaces. This, once again, will create a beautiful flow and it will help you and your guests feel better when you enter a room.
Most decorators suggest that if you run out of ideas, or if you don’t know how you should start, you should pick 3 personal items that you love and depending on them, create the space. Those items can be a painting, a blouse you love, or even a small decoration that you want to take everywhere with you. Understand why you love those 3 items and try to base your inspiration on the colors, patterns, and the feeling that they give you. Have patience and faith and you will be able to decorate your house in no time.