Electric scooters are something that will save you during spring and summer. With no traffic jams, you can get to any destination quickly and easily – while waking up the child inside you. However, their price is sometimes not at all childish – so many decide to buy used e-scooters. Is that a good choice? Some will say it is. However, as in the case of other used vehicles – you have to be very careful when buying them. However, the new e-scooter is something that everyone will recommend. Here are some of the reasons why never to buy a used electric scooter.
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The Popularity of E-Scooters

Since people started using electric scooters – it has been noticeable that the number of vehicles in traffic has decreased. They also allow efficient transportation from one place to another – especially when the weather is warm outside. However, if you decide to buy a used electric scooter – don’t forget to take care of yourself and other people’s safety. Used electric scooters have become a symbol of modern and urban transport – especially in big cities, and the demand for them is only growing. However, those who understand e-scooters better, think that buying new ones is always a better investment.
Why Shouldn’t You Buy A Used E-Scooter?

As with the purchase of other used vehicles, we can see both – the advantages and disadvantages of this purchase. The advantage is primarily related to the lower price. However, be guided by the motto that everything cheaper – will probably cost you much more in the end. Here are some reasons why you should not buy a used e-scooter.
1. You’re buying a ‘cat in a bag’
When you decide to buy a used electric scooter – you probably won’t be able to make that transaction with someone you know well. This means that you absolutely cannot speak with certainty about its quality. Today in the e-scooter market you can find models that offer certain benefits. This is exactly what is being done because of unscrupulous sellers. Some companies buy used e-scooters – but when they sell them to you, you will also get a warranty. It is certainly a much better option than buying it from a completely unknown seller – who offers you nothing but good advertising and a money transaction. According to turboant, it is very important to carefully research all the options before buying, read reviews about individual models – or the opinions of other users of e-scooters.
2. You don’t have the option to return your scooter in case it doesn’t work

In most countries, the law on consumer rights is practiced. Such laws imply that the sellers are obliged to return the money – in case they sold you a defective product. However, when you buy a used e-scooter, especially from a private person or on advertisements – the chances that you will not be able to return a used electric scooter are more than certain. When you buy a new product, it comes with rules that allow you as a buyer to return the defective goods you bought within a certain period of time – and the seller will refund your money. This is almost impossible in a situation when you are buying a used scooter – except in the case of reputable used scooter sellers who will offer you the same conditions.
3. Used scooters are generally of poorer quality
We can’t even compare the condition of the new and used scooter. And although some scooters may be in seemingly good condition – that does not mean that it is so. You have no guarantee, you do not know how the previous owner drove and used it – or whether it performed the necessary maintenance. In case you bought a scooter from an unscrupulous owner – it means that you will do all the necessary repairs yourself. And as it is already known, repairs and upgrades can sometimes cost you a lot. So think carefully about what pays off more.
4. The batteries in used scooters are low-powered

An E-scooter battery is certainly the most significant part of an e-scooter because without it the scooter wouldn’t be able to function. However, the battery is also the part that loses its function over time. So you should know that if you buy a used e-scooter – its battery certainly cannot be even close to what it is new. This will lead you to problems such as short battery life, lower speed, less mileage – as well as problems with ascent ride, etc.
5. Lack of choice when shopping
When buying a used scooter, you are unfortunately very narrow with your choice. While when you buy a new scooter, you can research, choose and have some other benefits when buying. Unlike that, when buying a used scooter – you are limited in buying what is currently on offer and available. You will not be able to buy according to your needs and requirements or specifications – but take what is currently in stock.
Are Used Electric Scooters Dangerous?

Each mode of transport comes with certain risks. When you travel with any vehicle that moves faster than a classic walk, the chance of injury increases. Like when you run, then you run into another person. Compared to other personal modes of transport -such as bicycles, rollerblades, etc., scooters are a safer option. Simply, if you see an obstacle or danger, you can easily step back and avoid a possible collision. You can’t do that if you ride a bike or rollerblades, because you use brakes, which are not always 100 percent efficient. Electric scooters are fast and efficient enough, and at the same time, they are fun to ride and provide a sense of control. However, do not forget about safety, both your own and other people’s. While transporting and having fun, be sure to use a helmet – as well as other protectors that will prevent possible injuries in the event of a fall or collision. Safety measures should always come first – as well as the safety of road users.