Meeting somebody special to spend the rest of your life with is not something we can plan. The heart chooses on its own and it is easy to tell if you like somebody. However, they do not have to like you back. Even if they do, a lot more needs to happen and a lot of time needs to pass before you can tell whether or not you are meant for each other. Deciding they are the one and proposing should happen only when you know everything works well between the two of you and after you have realized your love is true and pure.
Speaking of marriage and getting married, it is one of those big moments in life that usually only come around once. It is among the biggest day in both your life and that of your partner. Planning the wedding takes months, in some cases over a year, depending on the situation and the wishes of the bride and groom to be. The venue, the guest list, the food and beverages, the band… there is simply too much to cover. Flowers and decorations, seating arrangements, who can think of everything? And then there are the rings, two small objects that symbolize the unity in marriage between the two people in love.
When it comes to the ring situation, things are not as clear as with some other aspects of weddings. There are less rules and traditions that dictate how they should be approached, and particularly, when they should be bought. It can be a stressful decision especially if you know nothing about wedding rings. In this article we will try to bring things a little bit closer and explain how far in advance should the couple buy their wedding rings. Is there even a rule for this? Read on to learn more. When you are finally ready to buy them, be sure to check out Cleanorigin.com and browse through an extensive collection of rings.
Keep it Comfortable

Without any further ado, let us dive deeper into this and talk about timeframes. It should be said right from the start that there is no general rule or some kind of a custom when buying the wedding rings is concerned. Each couple is free to do it whenever and however they feel like. However, you should not limit your options and make a tight timeframe for the purchase. It is a huge decision. You will be wearing that ring for the rest of your life after all so both of you should like them. Of course, they do not have to be completely matching as men and women have different tastes in jewelry and different styles.
You will be touring all of the jewelry stores in your city, maybe even a few towns over, so leave enough time to do it before the wedding. Even when you find the ones you like, you will have to try them on and find the best fit. Chances are the jeweler will have to resize it or tinker with in in another way. Leaving them enough time to do so is important because you want your rings to be comfortable, not too tight nor too lose. There is hardly anything worse than having something that important not fitting you well. Therefore, make sure you have enough time for other planning as well as for the wedding ring hunt well before the big day arrives. Having everything ready weeks in advance is a great feeling.
The General Rule of Thumb

If you enjoy the numbers and recommendations or if you just want to know when most people do this, here is a nice estimate. Couples usually tend to buy their wedding rings around three and four months before their wedding takes place. And this is when the purchase is already made and the rings are taken home from the jewelry store. It will take you a bit longer to tour the shops, browse the online stores, and look for the right type of ring you and your partner like. In total, to be as comfortable and free to plan for other things related to the wedding, you should start the whole process around five months before the wedding.
The first month can serve as an easygoing touring of the shops in your community. Ask around for recommendations, visit the most popular jewelers and wedding shops, and take it slow. Once you have a general idea what you want, some four or so months before the wedding, you can narrow your choices down to a few and start looking for the right fit. Ordering the rings and finishing the purchase can take place around three months before the big day so that they are ready and in your possession for more than two months. Then it is all about safekeeping them until you are ready to put them on each other’s ring fingers to remain there until death do you part.
No Pressure After the Proposal

Many couples feel pressured or obligated to start planning their wedding as soon as the engagement takes place. This is not the case. Once does naturally come after the other but they do not have to happen in quick succession. Planning for the whole event is a long process particularly when you put all of your combined wishes and dreams to the table. This is one of the reasons why many couples stay engaged for a few years before they actually tie the knot.
There should be no rush to finish everything quickly. Nobody is chasing you so take things slowly. Every aspect of the wedding planning process needs to have enough time devoted to it. The rings are just one side of the whole story, an important side but still a single cog in the machine. There are things that come before it, as well as those that make more sense if they come after. Enjoy the ride and make sure both of you are on the same page about things. Everything else will come easy.